The department of History was started with the beginning of the college i.e. in 1974. History has been introduced as an elective subject (first & second elective). During the B.A. Sem. I to IV , the department offers papers named ‘Ancient Indian History’, ‘Modern Indian History’, ‘European History & History of Revolutions’ . Presently, Dr. Jayesh H. Vaghela is working as a full time lecturer in the department.
Apart from teaching activities, the department arranges lectures of eminent scholars and academicians and also conducts archeological exhibition for students of History. Students are constantly encouraged to join study tours for the nearby archeological offices( Daftar Bhandar) & archeological sites. Online teaching is made through Microsoft teams software. Students are divided into semester wise and classwise to use this software. It is a matter of pride to mention at this juncture that many students have obtained very good results at the under graduate level which is worth appreciating. Students are constantly encouraged to participate in various seminars held in nearby Universities and colleges to enrich their knowledge of the discipline.