Physical Facilities

  • The maintenance of various buildings is achieved through periodic monitoring by the building maintenance committee and devising suitable proposal.
  • Annual Stock verification for each department.
  • Allocation of adequate budget for annual maintenance of college infrastructure.
  • Sufficient support staff is appointed to maintain infrastructure.
  • Scheduled Maintenance and Repair of physical infrastructure like windows and door repairing, black boards, roof maintenance.
  • Provisions of Classroom Maintenance including furniture, doors and windows.
  • The regular electrician decided by Management solved electricity related problems.
  • AC and Water Coolers are regulary serviced.
  • Plumbing maintenance and repair, including water supply and tube well, is done whenever it required by professional Plumber.
  • Mechanical equipment and lab equipment are repaired periodically.
  • Adequate protective measures like antivirus, firewalls, CCTV cameras.
  • The water tanks are cleaned regularly.
  • For voltage fluctuation, the institution uses voltage stabilizer and Power Switches.
  • The institution hasa facility of drinking water.
  • All the valuable instruments, equipment and chemicals have separate space in specific cupboards.
  • Fire extinguishers are provided to every buildings and rooms for safety purpose.

ICT AND Internet Facilities

  • The college has a comprehensive IT policy regarding service, data, and network security.
  • The college has a mechanism of adopting free software and anti-piracy protocol.
  • Computer Expert addresses internet broadband connectivity and Wi-Fi problems.
  • The use of Internet facilities is distributed secured and monitored by Cyber Roam Software.
  • In order to minimize e-waste, computers are serviced and reused as far as possible.
  • The Dynamic College Website, College Android App, INTRANET facility are maintained by appointed PNSWEB-The Brand Shapers.