Welcome to SPT Godhra College!Always We refer to the moral principles and values that guide the behavior and conduct of individuals in a specific profession or occupation. It sets the standards for acceptable behavior and decision-making within that profession, emphasizing the importance of integrity, honesty, and responsibility in all professional interactions.
The College administration is carried out by the Principal with the help of various bodies such as the office, Board of Management(BOM), IQAC and the Staff Committees. The IQAC is composed of the Principal, the Management Representatives, IQAC Coordinator, Head of Departments and other representatives. The IQAC meets periodically to decide upon major academic and administrative issues. The National Service Scheme, National Cadet Corps, the WDC, and the various committees and clubs of the college help in the all round personality development of the students.
The Principal shall be the head of the College and shall be responsible for the internal management and administration of the college. In the absence of the Principal, the Vice-Principal or in his absence the Faculty In-charge of Science and Arts Faculties shall be in char ge of the duties of the Principal. No person shall be appointed as Principal who does not possess the qualifications and experience pr escribed by the UGC Regulations.
Provisional appointments through guest Faculty and Daily wages appointment in contingencies.
Sanction all kinds of leave except study leave, LWP- up-to 4 months and Special disability leaves to Teaching staff and Non Teaching staff are granted with permission to the Sanction Authorities.Sanction Maternity and Paternity leave to Teaching Staff and Non Teaching Staff.Sanction Casual Leave to Teaching Staff and Non Teaching Staff.Sanction of Special Casual Leave to Teaching Staff and Non teaching staff.
Sanction increments to the Teaching Staff and Non Teaching Staff as per state government rules. Sanction payment of belated increments to the Teaching Staff and Non Teaching Staff as per state government rules.
To sanction permission to Teaching Staff and NonTeaching staff to leave state or Nation up to a maximum period of 4 months.
Making necessary entries in the Service Book of to the Teaching Staff and Non Teaching Staff as per state government rules.Preparation of Annual Reports of various UGC Schemes.
Sapta-Dhara Committee, Research Committee, Anti-ragging etc.
From one Department to another.
Temporary Advance from GPF. Purchase of Equipments, books etc as per the Guidelines of the Sanctioning Authorities in consultation with the College Purchase Committee.
Supervision over students and maintenance of discipline in the college
To sanction endowed scholarships, prizes and medals to students.
To stop the further payments of any scholarship to a student if his/her conduct, progress or attendance is unsatisfactory and order continued payment of the same when he/she attain the satisfactory level.
To make final decisions on class promotions and detentions of students keeping in view of the rules stipulated by the Govt. and University time to time. To declare holiday for the institution due to contingencies and compensate the same afterwards. Issue of TC and Conduct Certificate to the outgoing students.Appointment & Remuneration of Guest Faculties.